
Grand Prairie, TX, Dentist Clarifies Chipped vs. Cracked Tooth Repair

Grand Prairie, TX, Dentist Clarifies Chipped vs. Cracked Tooth Repair

While there is some overlap between the two, chipped and cracked teeth can have different solutions, with chips usually allowing for more conservative treatment than cracks. To clarify the difference, Dr. Daniels in Grand Prairie, TX, goes over how teeth get damaged and what we do to treat the problem.

Chip or Crack: Which Is It?

A chipped tooth occurs when a small piece of the tooth breaks off, leaving a jagged edge. This can happen from biting down on a hard object or sustaining a blow to the face. Many chips are cosmetic, but some can be big enough to allow bacteria to enter your tooth and cause infection.

A cracked tooth is a more serious issue that requires immediate attention. Unlike a chipped tooth, a crack usually extends through the entire tooth. It can cause pain and sensitivity and puts you at greater risk for infection. In some cases, the crack may be invisible to the naked eye and can only be detected by our dentist at the Smile Lounge.

Chipped Tooth Treatment

Our Grand Prairie dentist can repair a chipped tooth with dental bonding. This cosmetic procedure fills in the missing piece of your tooth using a tooth-colored material. We then shape it to match the rest of the tooth. This is a quick and painless procedure that can be completed in one visit to our office. We might also do a dental filling for chips, just like we would for cavities, to prevent any decay.

For more severe cases, you may need a dental crown over the chipped tooth to protect it and restore its appearance. This will help prevent infection and allow us to save your natural tooth.

Cracked Tooth Treatment

Treatment for a cracked tooth will depend on the severity and location of the crack. For minor cracks, the treatment is similar to what we do for a chip: we’ll do a dental filling or bonding. However, for more severe cracks, we might need to do a crown or root canal. When cracks reach all the way to the gumline, your natural tooth might not be saved, and we’ll have to extract it.

Cracks are more prone to pain and temperature sensitivity, so if you experience these symptoms, seek treatment to prevent further damage. The quicker we can intervene, the better chance we have to save your tooth.

Preventing Chips and Cracks

The best way to deal with chips and cracks is to avoid needing treatment for them in the first place. Our dentist in Grand Prairie, TX, recommends:

  • Wearing Mouthguards: Use one during sports, especially contact sports like hockey, martial arts, or football.
  • Avoiding Hard Foods: Biting down on something hard is a common way people damage their teeth, so be wary of hard candies, frozen treats, and seeds, nuts, and kernels.
  • Eating Healthy: Look for foods high in calcium, fiber, antioxidants, and vitamins C and D.
  • Taking Care: The usual advice applies here—floss, use oral rinses, and brush regularly, as these practices protect your teeth from decay and bacteria.

Get Dental Care for Either Condition

Chipped and cracked teeth may seem similar, but they can require different approaches for proper treatment. Regardless, if you suspect you damaged a tooth in Grand Prairie, TX, seek treatment from a dentist at the Smile Lounge as soon as possible. We can determine the extent of the chip or fracture and form a treatment plan from there.